Tuition & Policies
Tuition is based on a monthly rate. Depending on the level the student is at, will determine if they receive a 30, 45, or 60 minute individual lesson. The monthly tuition includes three individual** lessons and one group lesson each month, plus two recitals a year. Recitals are counted as a lesson. Months that have five weeks and/or a recital, student's will receive four individual lessons, a group lesson and a recital for that month. These extra lessons balance the month's when individual lessons are not received due to holidays or other weeks I am unable to teach.
Violin Lessons*
$96 - 30 minute lesson
$116 - 45 minute lesson
$136 - 60 minute lesson
Piano Lessons*
$76 - 30 minute lesson
$96 - 45 minute lesson
$116 - 60 minute lesson
Lesson fees are due by the 7th of the month. A $10.00 late fee will be charged, and you may lose your lesson time when payment has not been received by the 7th of every month.
New families joining my studio will have an additional $15 due with their first month’s tuition. This $15 covers the studio binder.
**If there is a high demand of students age 3-5 within a particular instrument, those students will be part of a weekly 3-4 student group that lasts 45-60 minutes. Tuition for students in these groups will be the 30 minute monthly rate.
*Where Does Your Music Tuition Go?
*SAU - SAU membership is required. Each family is responsible to register for the SAU yearly. Registration opens in September.
Weekly Lessons
Students are asked to come prepared to each lesson by practicing daily the specific instructions given at their weekly lesson. Practice times depend on how long it takes the student to complete the specific instructions given at their weekly lesson. If students consistently come unprepared, you will be asked to find another teacher. It is difficult to teach a student who does not take the time during the week to prepare for their next lesson.
Please come to lessons on time if not a few minutes early to set up and be ready to begin the lesson at their scheduled lesson time. If you are late, you will not receive a full lesson for that week.
Please try not to bring siblings to lessons, but if you must, keep them quiet and do not let them wander my home. PLEASE DO NOT BRING FOOD FOR THEM. A sibling that plans to take music lessons should try to come often.
Students under the age of 13 must have a parent present at the lesson in order for the student to receive a lesson. Please do not drop off a student that is under the age of 13. They will not receive a lesson.
Missed Lessons
Please do not miss lessons. There are no make ups. If you know of a conflict, please arrange your own trade well ahead of time using the studio contact list that I provide. Also, do not come if you are seriously ill. On occasion, with a parent's request, an online lesson can be given in order to avoid missing a lesson.
Please let me know if you are not coming to lessons. If lessons are not canceled one hour prior to your scheduled time, a $10.00 fee will be charged due by the Friday of the missed lesson week. Failure to submit missed lesson fees may result in your student not receiving their next lesson. If lessons are missed repeatedly or no prior notification is given, you will be asked to find another teacher.
Group Lessons
Group lessons are very, very important. THEY ARE A LESSON. The majority of group lessons will be held every third week of the month. On occasion it is bumped a week. Please watch the calendar for when group lessons are scheduled. Group lessons will be one hour. Do not schedule other activities at that time. Do not plan to leave early. If you miss one group lesson, you will receive a warning. If you miss two group lessons you will be asked to find another teacher. I recommend that the Suzuki parent watch as often as possible. Parents are not required to attend group lessons.
Performance is vital to learning and perfecting the instrument being learned. Students participate in two formal recitals each year with additional performance opportunities in group or smaller informal recitals. The two formal recitals are held in the spring and one in the fall. You will be notified of all recitals and locations well in advance. All students are expected to attend ALL recitals in its entirety. Students who miss recitals will be asked to find another teacher.
Listening & Observation
Students need to listen to the designated Suzuki recordings several times throughout the day!! Listening to the recording is vital to your students progress. There is no mother tongue approach without listening. A student who listens consistently will advance 4 times faster than one who does not. In addition to the designated recording, there are several wonderful YouTube videos of the repertoire that can also be viewed. But do be careful that they are good recordings that show correct technique and tone. If you’re unsure, send me the link. I encourage students to also listen to GOOD music outside of the recordings. If you need suggestions of what to listen to, please ask.
I recommend coming early to your lesson if you know there is a student before your lesson time. I also encourage you to stay and watch the lesson after you. The more your student sees others learning the same thing as themselves, the more rapid progress they will make because of the better understanding due to being off the “hot seat.”
Needed Materials
Piano Students:
Piano students are expected to have an appropriate well-tuned fully furnished 88 key piano with working pedals for home practice.
Pianos should be tuned at least once per year. Twice is preferred (spring and fall). If you need a tuner/technician, please see my Piano Tuners page.
Piano needs to be in a well-lit area with appropriate heat and cooling to ensure as few distractions as possible.
Piano students need to have the required materials listed on my page, Selecting an Instrument.
If you need to purchase a piano, please refer to my page, Selecting an Instrument.
Violin Students:
Violin students are expected to have a violin that is sized to fit your student. This can be done at any music store.
Violin students are expected to replace strings and re-hair their bow, once per year. I can help replace the strings. The bow needs to be taken to place of purchase for a re-hair.
Violin students need to practice in a well-lit area with appropriate heat and cooling to ensure as few distractions as possible.
Violin students need to have the required materials listed on my page, Selecting an Instrument.
If you need to purchase a violin, please refer to my page, Selecting an Instrument